When the party’s over, and all the ingredients have been tried, what will be of those still-smiling unused tomatoes and last slices of bread, ham and cheese?
Ingredients: cherry tomatoes to garnish, ham, cheese, butter, bread, salt/pepper.
Start the after-party by assembling the guests. Stack them up the bread, then the ham, cheese and bread again. Heat a frying pan well on medium gas, with a knob of butter melting in the middle. When the butter’s bubbly, simply place the sandwich stack into the skillet, and let it brown for 5-15 minutes, swapping side every few.
The idea is to brown the edges lightly and melt the cheese. If the edges are already crunchy and dark, turn the heat down, to allow the cheese more time to melt. If however the cheese is flowing over the still-pale, soggy edges, turn the heat to a maximum and grill that piece of bread.
A lovely transformation, and none’s left over.